Thursday, September 16, 2010

A fun day at Troy Park

There's a really cool park over in Troy, IL that my parents found. Sat. Sept. 4th, was a beautiful day, so my Mom, Sister, Landon and I decided to pay Troy Park a visit. Libby came along for the ride as well. Here are a few pics from our afternoon at the park.

My mom and Landon feeding the goats and sheep.

My mom, sister and Landon walking over to feed the ducks and geese.

The lake with lots of ducks and geese.

My mom and Landon swinging at the park.

4 Pretty white swans in the pond.

My mom and Landon on the playground.

Libby and I enjoying a fun day at the park.

My sister Ashlee and her son Landon on the playground.

Landon playing on the playground at Troy Park.

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