The party decorations.
Lots of Presents!!
Landon's Optimus Prime cake that his mommy made!! My sister makes some great cakes!
Landon's cousin Ruby, swinging. So cute!!
Another of Landon's cousins, Clair, swinging.
The birthday boy in his "Bumblebee" shirt!!
The dogs enjoyed spending the day outside with everyone!
Uncle Jake pushing Landon on the swing.
Landon with his cake!
Landon opening presents.
Then Sunday, since it was another beautiful day outside, my sister wanted to take Landon's 4 year old pictures. So we took him to an old historic home close to our church and she took his pictures there on the property. He was so funny because every once in a while he would ask his mom, was that one cute?? LOL.
After the pictures we took him to the park and to get ice cream!! :-) Here are a few of the pictures my sister took of him. They turned out so cute!
I think this one is my favorite!
I love this one too!
Silly boy!!
So sweet!