♥ I'm loving that Jackson is feeling much better and taking all his bottles and binkie again! I'd been so worried about him and I am so relieved that he's feeling better.
♥ I'm loving that my cousin Brice and his girlfriend Christina welcomed their little baby boy into the world this morning. My cousin is a HUGE Dallas Cowboys fan and so they named their baby Dallas. They live about an hour and a half away so I won't get to meet Dallas for a couple weeks, but here's a picture that they posted on Facebook today. I can't wait to hold him.
♥ I'm loving that its Cardinals opening day today and that means we're having a food day at work!! Lots and lots of yummy food.
♥ I'm loving that Easter is Sunday and I get to spend the day with my family!!
♥ I'm loving that Jake and I might go see a movie this Saturday. Its been since Valentines Day weekend that we've gone to see a movie. We're thinking we'll probably go see 21 Jump Street. The previews look pretty funny and it has Channing Tatum in it... need I say more?
♥ And as always I'm loving my super fabulous family.