So I decided to try and do a 365 this year. I did something similar last year with the 100 days of Summer and it was a lot of fun. So I thought a whole 365 would be fun as well. I decided that if I made it easy on myself and did a combination of iPhone and dslr pictures, I may just keep up with it. So far, a majority of these pictures are iPhone pictures, but that's okay. It shows what our days are like right now and that's just what I wanted this 365 to be about. I wanted it to tell a story of what this year is like for me. Not just work related, photography related or family related, but a mixture of all of it. I knew solely taking dslr camera pictures just wasn't realistic as I don't bring my camera with me everywhere I go. Especially not to work everyday. So it will just be a mixture of both. I thought it would be fun to post my month end results and maybe talk a little about what we did that month. Just post the highlights so they are documented here on the blog... so here goes. :-)
The month of January went by in a flash! I absolutely hate Winter, so I'm always glad to see January go. This January however, hasn't been too bad and we've been so busy, I've hardly had time to even care about the cold weather. We've had some cold days, but the month ended on a great note. It was in the 60's and sunny this past weekend! Yay!
We've been working on the house, so a majority of our month was focused on getting it ready to move in this coming weekend! We are so excited!
The kids have had fun playing with new toys from Christmas, we got our first accumulative snow of the Winter season and the kids were super excited! I came down with Strep Throat and Jake and I have managed to go on a couple of lunch dates!
I had 3 photo sessions this month, which was a nice surprise since Winter is my slowest season. We put together a Sunshine Basket for a close family friend who had surgery, we got our hardwood floors refinished at the new house and I had a nice relaxing evening at the hair salon. We had a few family dinners and Jackson started a new semester in Pre-School. We also started packing up our condo and got our passports in the mail for an upcoming trip to Costa Rica with friends!
So that pretty much covers our month of January!! It's been a busy and exciting month and we're very much looking forward to February when we get to move in and start our new life in our new house!