Today is Jackson's first day of First Grade!! He was excited this morning and got right up bright and early to get ready for school!! He has a lot of friends in his class this year and he seems to have a great teacher! I just know he's going to have a great year in First Grade!!
He had his "Meet the Teacher Night" this past Tuesday night and he was excited to see some friends and meet his sweet teacher!
Then last night, before bed, he had a shower, we got his lunch ready and we read his new book, "First Grade Here I Come!" He had a book like this for starting Kindergarten last year (here's a link to the Kindergarten version) and it was so cute. I'm not sure how many more years I'll be able to find books like these so when I saw one for first grade, I just had to get it. :-)
He went to bed with a very loose front tooth and when he woke up this morning he decided to pull it right out so he didn't have to worry about it at school. It's been ready to come out for a few days, so that was another exciting thing to have happen today. Now he's lost his 4 bottom front teeth and his 2 top front teeth. Six total!! The tooth fairy will be making another visit to our house tonight. ;-)
He got a new backpack and lunchbox this year. We found the cutest backpack and lunchbox together at Sam's this year. It has planets, stars and rockets on it! If you know Jackson, you know he loves anything "Outer Space" related so it was a perfect fit for him.
Jackson with our sweet neighbor friends. Ellie had her first day of Kindergarten today and Andy had his first day of 3rd grade. :-)
Family picture at the bus stop. Next year it will be Avery's first day of Kindergarten! How is that possible??
Jackson looks so grown up in this picture and so handsome, even without his front teeth, Ha!
We did this cute little questionnaire again this year.

And just for comparison's sake, here is Jackson on his first day of Kindergarten last year next to his first day of First Grade this year.
I can't wait to hear all about how his first day back to school went today and I pray he has a wonderful, safe and successful year in First Grade!!