House update:
I last updated you about selling our house here in this post. That post was 2 weeks ago and I'm happy to say a lot has happened since then. It's been a roller coaster of a ride trying to sell this house and it's not quite over yet (I'm quite sure I will have plenty of gray hair as a souvenir from this experience), but we're seeing some light at the end of the tunnel.
Since my last post, we lowered the price and ended up getting an offer from the same buyer who had made the offer before. We had countered their previous offer and they just weren't willing to negotiate I guess. So when we lowered the price slightly, they came back with their same offer and since we hadn't had anyone else interested, we decided to take it. Since then the buyer has had their inspection and the city has also had their inspection. The city inspection came back with a few minor things that we need to do, but the buyer's inspection came back with us needing a new roof. :-( Of course the buyer is requesting this be done at our expense. Their inspector said it looked like storm damage and that we should contact our insurance company to see if it would be covered. So we have contacted them and we're waiting for someone to come out and take a look at it. So that's where we are at this point. I am just hoping and praying the insurance will cover it and we can move on. We have 19 days from today til closing and I am just so ready for this sale to be final!
We've also been to see 7 homes since having a contract on our current home. Out of those 7, we really liked one of the homes. We have a second showing scheduled for this weekend along with a few more houses lined up to see. :-)
We had a great 4th of July. We started the weekend off by going to a carnival in St. Charles on Friday evening. They have a carnival and fireworks every year on the riverfront so we decided to take the kids again this year. We had a great time. Avery was able to ride a few of the kiddie rides and she loved them!! Jackson rode a majority of the rides that they had and would have ridden every single one of them had he been tall enough! I was very pleasantly surprised that both Jackson and Avery loved the fireworks. Jackson has been scared of them up until now and I was worried that Avery would be scared but they neither one were. This night Avery was wanting to get to them and she would reach out her hand to try and touch them and Jackson cried when they were over because he didn't want them to end!
Then Saturday (the 4th) we met up with Jake's family at a local water park/pool. We had a great time there and the kids really enjoyed swimming.
Later that evening we went to a BBQ at a friends house. They live right near where our town does their professional fireworks display so we were able to walk down to the end of their street and have a great view without having to fight the traffic. It was perfect!
Sunday we went to church and then we had our church picnic. Our pastor and his wife have a pool and we were able to enjoy swimming after a wonderful meal and fellowship. It was such a fun weekend!
Jackson has really been enjoying his bike this summer. He got it from Maw Maw and Papa for Christmas and just couldn't quite get the hang of it until just recently. Now he loves getting to ride in the drive-way and on the sidewalk in front of our house. After having had sidewalks in our current neighborhood, it is definitely a must for our next house. :-)
I decided to take the plunge and sign up for Stitch Fix last month. I got my first box last week and I was really pleased with it. Here's what I got:
I really did like this dress and it was very soft, but I didn't really "need" another dress and the price was a little at at over $60. So I sent it back.
I ended up keeping this pretty purple blouse along with the long gold necklace. I loved them both and they are perfect for a date night, church or work.
I did like these jeans. They were very comfortable, but again I didn't really need jeans and I wasn't crazy about the color or the price. At nearly $80 for a pair of jeans, I sent them back.
I went back and forth on whether to keep this top. I really liked it, but I ended up sending it back because I just didn't like how it was a little big under the arms. I would have wore a tank under it anyways, but I just didn't like how low it came down.
I am signed up to get a box once a month. I am scheduled to get my next box on July 27th and I can't wait to see what will come next time! If you are interested in Stitch Fix don't hesitate to ask me any questions you may have or you can find out more here.