I'm linking up with Emily at The Anderson Crew
Embrace the Camera is where you'll take a picture of YOU with
your kids, spouse, friends, etc. The point of embrace the
camera is to get in front of the camera and to document a bit
of yourself.
I just recently bought an external hard drive to keep all my pictures organized and safe. Its kind of a big task going through all my pictures and organizing them.
While doing this, I ran across a file where I had a bunch of old scanned photos I had used for my Mom's scrapbook that my sister and I made for her when she turned 50. In this file were several family photos of my parents, my sister and I. So I thought I'd share some of them this week for embrace the camera.
The only stipulation is you can't laugh! Most of these are straight out of the 80's and 90's. Ha! A majority of these photos were taken at church on Easter Sunday. We have a tradition of taking a family picture on Easter Sunday. ☺
I'll start with this one. Its of my first Easter, I had just turned 1 and my sister wasn't born yet.
I believe this was a Christmas Photo.
This was Easter, not really sure what year though. Probably around 1986 or 1987.
My sister acting crazy and me looking at her... priceless. Don't you love our matching Easter dresses?
I remember I already had an Easter dress for this year, but saw this one and begged my mom to get it for me, and she did. ☺ Whoever took this picture, didn't do a very good job, Ha.
This was Easter, 2000 or 2001.
This was Easter 2004.
I believe this was Mother's Day 2004
This was Father's Day 2006
So there's some humor for you this morning. LOL. Enjoy your Thursday!