Monday, December 6, 2010

Christmas Card Photo Shoot

After I got the tree and decorations up on Saturday night, I decided to try and get my 3 dogs in front of the tree for our Christmas Card Photo. I wasn't sure whether I'd even get a good enough shot of all three, but I was determined to try. I had gotten some ribbon to tie around their necks and with my husband's help, here are some of the shots I got. Hunter wouldn't cooperate at first so I got some cute ones of Libby and our new baby Max.

Max and Libby posing in front of the tree.

Libby in front of the tree. She's always been good about taking pictures. :-)

Libby, Max and Hunter in front of the tree.

I think this will be the picture we use for our Christmas Card this year. 

Libby, Max and Hunter laying in front of the tree. 2010

Max being sweet!! 

Our new puppy Max in front of the tree looking oh so cute!

Our cat, Stormy.

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