Tuesday, February 19, 2013

My Sister's Blog Re-design

I am so blessed to have a wonderful sister. She and I are pretty much best friends. I love having her close by so we can share our lives together. 

She has a 5 year old and then she and I got pregnant within just a couple days of one another in 2011. (You can read about that here.) Mason was born just 12 days before Jackson. I hope our children will grow up becoming the best of friends. ☺

She started a blog around this time last year. She blogs about her family and her days as a stay at home mom! She also blogs about some of her sewing projects, which are always fun to see.

Since I just re-designed my blog, and had so much fun doing it, I decided to give her blog a re-design and I'm so excited about how cute it turned out. She LOVES owls! So we went with an owl theme!

If you get a minute, stop by her blog and check it out! ☺