Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Weekend Rewind

I had a nice, long weekend, but it was jam-packed with so many fun things!

First, Friday Avery wore her birthday shirt and headband to school since her birthday was over the weekend! They programmed their scrolling message to say, "Avery is 5" and took her picture standing by it. They also said happy birthday to her over the intercom that morning and she also got to write the daily message for that day! She was so excited!

For those who can't read 5-year old writing (including me), it says, "Daily Message by Avery S. - I Played in the Bakery." The picture is of her playing in their classroom "dramatic area" which right now is a bakery. She was playing with her friends Aubrei and Jimmy.
That same night Jackson's school had their annual night at Grant's Farm. It's always such a fun night, and one we look forward to every year! 

Saturday morning, each of the kids had a soccer game and a baseball game. Avery's soccer game was at 8 a.m. and Jackson's baseball game was at 8:15, so I took Avery and Jake took Jackson. Then Avery had a baseball game at 9:45 and Jackson had a soccer game at noon. It rained most of the morning too and it was pretty chilly, but the games were all still on, so we pressed on and got through it. They both did great at all of their games! Jackson made 2 outs in baseball and Avery got her first hit without the tee! In fact, both times she was up to bat, she didn't need the tee! So proud of them both!

Then Saturday afternoon was Avery's 5th Birthday Party at the park! It was such a cute and fun party! It was a rainbow theme, which made decorating so much fun. Thankfully the rain cleared out at around 12:30 and the sun even came out and warmed up the day. The party was at 3:00 and it ended up being around 75 degrees for the party! I'll do a post all about the party later this week, hopefully. But here's a few phone pictures from the party!
Then Sunday was Avery's actual birthday!! She came down the stairs that morning and let me know that it was her birthday and she was now five!! We went to church that morning and everyone sang happy birthday to her at breakfast. Then after church went to my nephew's 15th birthday party. He and Avery share a birthday! That evening the kids just played outside with the neighbors and Avery and I took a few snapchat photos that evening before bed. I thought this one was cute since it had the date to show it was her birthday!

I was off on Monday (yesterday) and Jackson had a field trip to the Zoo. It turned out to be a great day! The weather started out rainy on the way there but turned out to be sunny and in the 70's! Perfect for a day at the Zoo.

Then once Jackson got home from school, we headed to the dentist. He had an appointment to get his first ever filling. I was so nervous at how it would go, but I was pleasantly surprised at how well he did. He was a rockstar and said it didn't even hurt. When we got back, we ate dinner and I took both kids to the store to pick out a toy. Avery had a gift card for her birthday and I let Jackson pick out a toy for doing so well at the dentist!

It was a great weekend making so many memories with my sweet little family.

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